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I Learned to Step Up. Did You?

A major part of this writer’s life has come about because of a simple thing from my childhood. My parents taught me to reach out and try different things. At first they put me in groups like a Sunday School class and the Junior Choir at church. As I grew they encouraged piano lessons and then singing in the music festival. 4-H Calf Club and 4-H Homemaking Club came along. I judged cows and cakes and even ducks at one point, if you can imagine. The important part of that was I had to orally give reasons for my judging decisions.

All of those things taught me to reach out for what I needed and gave me confidence. I learned to step up.

When the newly launched London Writers Society asked for someone to write their first blog post, I volunteered.

Self Publish But Do It Well

LWS wanted something that would help writers, no matter what stage of their writing they were at. I decided to do a piece about my publishing journey, focusing on how I came to self publish. I thought about my sixteen years of full-time writing experiences and the post here is the result. I hope it is interesting and even entertaining for you. Learn to step up and reach for that dream you know you have. You’ll reap the rewards.

If you haven’t already, please sign up for my twice monthly newsletter where I talk about writing and all the exciting things that happen because of it. (See the box at the upper left of the page.)

Canada: Brave New World Launching in June!

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